Women and Health Insurance – Get the Physical Check Ups You Need

Have you skipped your yearly mammogram or pap test due to not having health insurance? First of all, this is important for women to not skimp on. The mammograms are helpful for detecting breast cancer and preventing it from being found at a late stage. The pap test is useful to screen for cervical cancer or any ovarian issues. No one likes these tests to begin with so it’s easy to put them off. Even if you don’t have health insurance, this is important to not skip.

Here are some other the recommended tests for women. For the thyroid and to check the tsh levels, the first exam is suggested at age 35 and after that it should be tested every five years. A colonoscopy is recommended for women beginning at age fifty but earlier if there is a family history. They now suggest after that every five years but due to family history, I choose to go every three years. The tetanus shot should be given every ten years. Eye and ear exams should be every one to two years. It is also important to have your skin examined head to toe and to note any changes in terms of moles on your body or other skin marks. Cholesterol and blood pressure is usually checked at each doctor’s appointment. Your doctor may also recommend a bone mineral density test.

If you don’t have health insurance, it’s important to know that you can find high deductible plans that will give you some security in the event of an illness that requires medical care. We never know when this may occur. It is good to be prepared and not lose everything due to hospitalization or other completely unexpected health problems. Some plans may cover a yearly mammogram for women even before the deductible is met. Each company is different. Getting the recommended screening tests is important to stay on top of things and catch something at an early stage.

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